Estela Garcia Perez
EAP/ Reading Level 5
Bane of Internet The lesson of this chapter is that the internet while interesting and exiting can also be very disruptive.
This story shows how the writer’s life and daily routine was turned upside down by the constant
e-mail communication with his sister in China.
Without the internet their communication amounted to no more than one letter via the mail
once in every ten days. However with e-mail the writer had to get involved with his sister
financial and emotional problem on daily basis.
In other words the internet due to its speed and instant communication ability interrupted the writer own life.
Bane: death; destruction; ruin.
a person or thing that ruins or spoils.
Awls: a pointed instrument for piercing small holes in leather, wood, etc.
Tidy: neat, orderly, or trim, as in appearance or dress.
clearly organized and systematic: a tidy mind; a tidy way of working.
tolerably good; acceptable..
fairly large; considerable.
Eager: keen or ardent in desire or feeling; impatiently longing.
characterized by or revealing great earnestness: an eager look.
Obsolete . keen; sharp; biting.
Awls: a pointed instrument for piercing small holes in leather, wood, etc.
Spoil: To damage severely or harm. To diminish or impair the quality of; affect detrimentally.
Mutter: to complain murmuringly; grumble.
Stabbing: penetrating; piercing: a stabbing pain.
emotionally wounding: a stabbing remark.
incisive or trenchant: a stabbing, satirical phrase.
turgid or bombastic.
Flabbergast: to overcome with surprise and bewilderment; astound.
Damned: condemned or doomed, especially to eternal punishment. Detestable. Informal . extraordinary; amazing.
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